September 16, 2023

World Ozone Day-Rally and Special Lecture Programme

On September 16, 2023, in honor of World Ozone Day, the Department of Geography and IQAC jointly hosted a rally and speaking competition for students. To raise awareness among the public about the need to stop air pollution in order to maintain the ozone layer, a rally was held at 10.15 AM from our college campus to Navodaya Circle and to Mysore Circle.

Additionally, a speaking competition was held in partnership with Geography and  Zoology students to increase student responsiveness to the need to protect the ozone layer in order to rescue the environment at 12.15 PM. The documentary was also screened to provide viewers with a visual understanding of the ozone hole, its causes, and effects.

K.B.Parvathmma  welcomed the guests and eminent speakers. She mentioned that such celebrations help in creating awareness about major environmental issues. In case of ozone layer depletion, awareness and sensitization is of utmost importance. She also discussed about what is stratospheric ozone and what is tropospheric ozone. She also talked about how tropospheric ozone is formed. She also threw light on the importance of ozone layer and the adverse effects of ozone layer depletion.

Dr. B.N.Chndrashekara  gave a very thought-provoking talk on the topic and highlighted the importance of action over the issue. He began his talk with the words ‘tackling climate change and ozone layer depletion are our most important priorities today’. He mentioned that nature has high resilience and can heal itself, provided with long periods of time. He also discussed about the causes of ozone hole and emphasized on the need to develop alternatives to ozone layer depleting substances. He also talked about stratospheric ozone, which is also called good ozone and Tropospheric ozone which is also called bad ozone. Stratospheric ozone is the ozone found in the stratosphere, the layer of atmosphere which lies just above the troposphere. The ozone in the stratosphere protects all life on Earth from the harmful UV radiation from the Sun by absorbing the UV radiation.

Towards the end, a question-and-answer session for all the participants was arranged. The queries were answered by the panelists.

 Finally, Chethan .D .S  concluded the session with a vote of thanks.